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1. An array of an array is called :

  • Multi casting array
  • Uni casting array
  • Multidimensional array
  • One dimensional array
Multidimensional array 

2. Which of the following concepts make extensive use of arrays?

  • Spatial locality
  • Caching
  • Scheduling of processes
  • Binary trees
Spatial locality  

3. Elements of an array are numbered as 0, 1 , 2, these numbers are called :

  •  Subscripts of the array
  •  Index Values
  •  Both a and b
  •   Members of an array
 Both a and b 

4. Table or arrays that require two subscripts that all have the same name and same type is to identify a particular element are called: called as :

  •  Double subscripted array
  •   Multiple subscripted arrays
  •   Two-way array
  •  None of the above
Double subscripted array

5. Position number contained within square brackets eg. My array [ 5 ], is referred as

  • Sub Scripts
  •  Element of an array
  •   Post Scripts
  •  None of these
Sub Scripts 

6. Sequence of an object that has the same type is called

  • stack
  • Array
  • Operators
  •  Function

7. Assuming int of 4 bytes, what is the size of int array is called: arr [ 15 ];?

  • 60
  • 11
  • 19
  • 15

8. When does the Array Index Out of Bounds Exception Occur?

  •  Run time
  •  Compile-time beginning
  • None an error
  •  None of the these
 Run time

9.  Fioat a [ 3 ] = { 10.2 , } is an example of –

  • Initializing array
  • Initializing functions
  • Initializing variables
  • None of  these
Initializing array

10. Array that is declared statie are initialized when:

  • The program is about to end
  • The first element is zero
  • Program is loaded into the memory
  • None of these
Program is loaded into the memory 

11. How many kinds of elements an array can have :

  • Only char type
  • Only int type
  • Char and int type
  • All of them have the same type
All of them have the same type 

12. Referring element outside array bounds is a :

  •  Syntax error
  • Execution time error
  •  Logical error
  • Both b and c
Both b and c 

13. A consecutive group of memory locations the all has the same name and the same type is called:

  • Function
  • Array
  • Classes
  •  Structure

14. Which from the following technique is used for finding a value in an array?

  • Binary search algorithm
  •  Linear search algorithm fa
  •  Bubble sort
  • All of the above
All of the above

15. For defining their own types program – mimer’s uses :

  •  Operator
  • Algorithms
  • Enumeration
  • None of these

16. One- dimensional array of two – the dimensional  array is called :

  • Three-dimensional array
  • Two dinenstinal array
  • Multidimensional array
  •  One dimensional array
Two dinenstinal array 

17. For finding an object in an array starting from the beginning  and inspecting each element one other, until the object is found is called as :

  • Searching
  •  Linear search algorithm
  • Inspecting
  •  All of these
 Linear search algorithm

18. A one-dimensional array of – the dimensional   array is called :

  • Three – dimensional array
  • Two – dimensional array
  • Multi-casting array
  •  Multi-dimensional array
Two – dimensional array

19. Binary search algorithm uses :

  •  Divide and conquer method
  •  Bubble sorting technique
  • Linear way to search values
  •  None of the above
Divide and conquer method

20. A one-dimensional array is always considered as

  • Sequential
  •  Linear
  • Both a and b
  • Complex
Both a and b

21. Each element of an array is searched against nothing key is a specialty of :

  •  Linear search
  • Binary search
  • Bubble Sor
  • All of these
Bubble Sor

22. Object of an array is called as :

  • Functions of an array
  •  Indexes of an array
  • Elements of an array
  • All of these
Elements of an array