1. Who is the poet of the poem, “The Last Bargain”?
- Rabindranath Tagore
- T.S. Eliot
- S.D. Sawant
- None of the Above
2. “An old man came out with his bag of _____”
- Sword
- Gold
- Notes
- None of the above
3. What did the young maiden offer to hire him with?
- power
- money
- smile
- None of the above
4. With what emotion did he accept the child’s offer?
- Happiness
- Sacrifice
- Sadness
- Boredom
5. What did the child offer to hire him with
- Power
- smile
- Money
- Nothing
6. “_____ in hand the King came in his chariot”
- Power
- Sword
- Gold
- Wealth
7. Why does the man accept the child’s offer?
- It made him a free man
- It made him a noble man
- It made him selfless
- All of the Above
8. Whose offer did he accept?
- King
- Old man
- Young maiden
- None of the Above
9. What was the child doing?
- Playing with flowers
- Playing with sand
- Playing with sea
- Playing with sea shells
10. What do you mean by the word “naught”?
- Nothing
- Knot
- Naughty
- None of the above