1. When we convert 10010 binary numbers to decimals. Then the solution is :
- 2010
- 1810
- 1410
- 1610
2. How many bits are in 1 byte?
- 1024
- 10
- 8
- 16
3. An organized way of representing numbers is called?
- Character System
- Number system
- Integer System
- None of these
4. How many different characters can ASCLL represent?
- 90
- 1024
- 128
- 54
5. How real numbers are stored by the computer?
- Floating Point Representation using Mantissa and Exponent
- Binary
- Floating Boat Representation
6. How text is represented by the computer?
- Unicode
- Bitmap
- Floating-point Representation
7. How many unique symbols in the Hexadecimal number system?
- 16
- 12
- 10
- 8
8. Octal equivalent of hexadecimal code F3A1 is :
- 158661
- 171641
- 176541
- 173101
9. Using ASCLL, how many bits are required for 1 character?
- 11
- 8
- 9
- 14
10. The binary equivalent of the decimal number 0.4375 is :
- 0.1010
- 0.1100
- 0.1011
- 0.0111
11. How graphics are represented by the computer?
- Unicode
- Bitmap
- Binary
12. How many processes for converting ( integer ) from decimal to binary?
- Four
- There
- Two
- One
13. Octal number system is :
- 8
- 10
- 4
- 2
14. How many unique symbols in a decimal number system?
- 8
- 10
- 4
- 2
15. What digits are used to store numbers, letters, etc.
- 0-1
- 3-4
- 0-5
- 1-9
16. How many bytes are in 1 kilobyte?
- 90
- 145
- 8
- 1024