1.Who is the poet of A Roadside Stand?
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Robert Frost
- Lord Byron
- Percy Shelley
2. Why was roadside stand built?
- so that people can wait there
- to make it a bus stop
- to earn money from polished city traffic
- none of above
3.The city people proved unjust because –
- they never set up factories in the rural area
- the did not give meaningful wages to the rural labourers
- they never helped the poor people with money
- they never thought of opening a charitable dispensary in some village
4.What does I stand for in the poem?
- owner of the stand
- city flower who stopped on the stand
- Poet of the poem-Robert Frost
- None of above
5.What is a Roadside Stand in the poem?
- a bus stop
- a waiting point
- a shed outside a roadside old house
- none
6.Who is Robert Frost?
- An American storyteller
- An American essayist
- An American narrator
- An American twentieth century poet
7. What does polished traffic refer to?
- city people
- smartness of city people
- insensitive attitude of city people and their gentle appearance
- none
8. What would be the state of poor rural folk at new location ?
- tension free as their needs will be looked after
- they will be able to visit city malls
- they will enjoy travelling malls and cinema halls
- they will be happy
9. Their state in the resettlement are would be –
- they will have enough to eat
- they will get suitable jobs
- their hygientic conditions will improve
- their worries and tension would vanish
10. What does ‘Out of their wit’ mean in the poem?
- by helping the poor people
- by showing rosy pictures to the poor people
- by fooling and exploiting the poor people to their own benefit
- all these
11. The city people are greedy good doers because –
- they are indifferent to the plight of the poor
- their good actions enshrine greed
- they hate the poor rural folk
- they think only of their own benefits
12. Who are the ‘pitiful kin’ in the poem?
- social agencies
- government officials
- city people with cars
- The poor rural folk and farmers
13. Why did a stopping car react?
- to point out at the wrongly marked N and S directions
- to buy some items
- to appreciate their hardwork
- to soothe the villagers
14. What is being sold on roadside stand?
- furniture
- cosmetics
- Diesel
- wild berries, golden squash and some other similar products
15. Polished traffic refers to –
- those who polish
- refined traffic of cars
- rickshaw pullers
- people of high status
16. Who will soothe the rural poor?
- Government and Social agencies
- Government officials
- Promises made by the Government
- City people will soothe ‘out of their wits’
17. What was the news?
- City people will give money
- city people will help the poor
- Relocation and resettlement of the rural folk to make them tension free by the government
- None of above
18. Who made roadside stand and where?
- The sarpanch made in the village
- The government made in the village
- social agencies made in the village
- The poor rural people made in the village
19. What promise was the government making to relocate the villagers?
- to give them all the luxuries
- to show them movies
- their all needs will be looked after
- all these
20. Who are the ‘pitiful kin’ in the poem?
- social agencies
- government officials
- city people with cars
- The poor rural folk and farmers